During last night’s House debate over the Cut, Cap and Balance plan, Congressman Sandy Levin said, “The Republicans are trying to repeal the second half of the 20th century.” Clearly, his Macomb County counterpart, Congresswoman Candy Miller, had a much different view.
Here’s her floor statement:
“Mr. Speaker, after years, literally years, of growing government and increasing spending beyond all reason it is now long past time to bring fiscal sanity to Washington and to put America on a path to prosperity.  Today our national debt has increased and it’s exceeded now $14 trillion.  Our debt has increased by almost $4 trillion, which is more than $120 billion a month in new debt, just since President Obama has been in office.  $120 billion dollars each and every month with this new president.  Government has grown so large that it now spends nearly 25 percant of our annual economic output – a level not seen since World War II.  This has crowded out private sector growth and the new jobs and opportunities the American people need and are demanding.
“This plan puts forward real cuts to spending – no smoke and mirrors.  It enforces discipline with real caps on spending and with a balanced budget amendment.  And it gives the President the increase in the debt limit he is seeking if the balanced budget amendment is sent to the states.  Mr. Speaker, I would urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this common sense reform.”