Courser at today’s House hearing.
Yahoo News photo

Well, I guess I’m famous now — now that disgraced state Rep. Todd Courser mentioned me on the secretly taped audio recording that was played in full at today’s House expulsion hearing.
Courser said on the May 19 recording, created by aide Ben Graham, that he hid his guns after I wrote a blog post (with a photo) about the Lapeer Republican teaching his young sons to shoot high-powered AR-15 rifles.
Jonathan Oosting of MLive tweeted about the remark from the committee chambers. Chad Livengood of The Detroit News and Kathy Gray of the Detroit Free Press followed suit. (My twitter handle is @cbsnewsman.) 

I don’t understand the context of the legislator’s remark, nor do I really care. Courser’s ramblings rarely make sense. In this case, it’s just another deflection.

But it should be pointed out that I chose to blur the face of the son who was in the one photo that accompanied my blog post. Courser, however, did not.
The photo was grabbed from his Facebook page in December when the representative-elect proudly posted pictures of his boys brandishing the military-style weapons that he called “modern muskets.”
It also should be noted that Courser’s Facebook post referred to the AR-15s as “weapons for liberty that will impact the future both for freedom, but also for Christ.”

jonathanoosting's avatar

Courser, on tape, says he hid his guns after blogger Chad Selweski shared photos of his kids firing large weapons
ChadLivengood's avatar

A shout-out for @cbsnewsman on the May 19 Courser audio tape……


michpoligal's avatar

I pulled the guns out of the office, says Courser. And he mentioned @cbsnewsman