In response to the self-congratulatory message delivered by Gov. Snyder and Republican legislative leaders on their accomplishments in their first 90 days in office, the Democrats were quick to pounce.
House Democratic Leader Richard Hammel had this to say: “Although the governor talked about shared sacrifice and jobs being ‘Job One,’ that is not what we have seen so far from him and legislative Republicans.
“His budget pays for an 86 percent tax break for corporations by increasing taxes on seniors and other residents by $2.5 billion, and makes drastic cuts to schools. Taxpayers have to foot a $100,000 bill for the repeal of item-pricing protection, which gives corporations a $2.2 billion break.
“Now our struggling unemployed workers have to deal with a heavier burden because their lifeline has been cut to the shortest in the country. We have not seen a focus on job creation, and in fact the governor recently said that jobs can wait until next year.
“I would say that the concern we’re hearing from residents is very understandable.”
Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer, who made his way up the political ladder in Macomb County, released a video documenting Snyder’s foibles, from a Democratic perspective.
He also released a statement: “Governor Rick Snyder is celebrating his first three months as a ‘success.’ The truth? The governor hasn’t been ‘reinventing’ Michigan. He’s been ruining Michigan.
Snyder and legislative Republicans have not passed one piece of legislation that helps to create jobs. In fact, they’ve done the opposite. Repealing the item pricing law will eliminate jobs in Michigan. The governor himself even told reporters this week, ‘Next year, let’s focus on job creation.’ Next year? We need jobs now.