An anti-Muslim group known as Secure Michigan, labeled as a hate group, is trying to influence the upcoming city elections in Sterling Heights, according to one candidate.
Mike Radtke, who is vying for a city council seat in November, said Secure Michigan, based in New Baltimore, is sending inflammatory questionnaires to candidates. The questions reflect the group’s opposition to refugees and its claim that American Muslims are trying to impose Sharia Law across the U.S.
In a fundraising pitch to his supporters that was emailed on Monday, Radtke said:
“It’s clear to me that outside groups are hoping to use bigotry and hatred to affect our city council elections in Sterling Heights. This is unacceptable. And after the tragedy that unfolded in Charlottesville (Virginia) this weekend, we need to be vigilant about outside agitators attempting to sow discord in our community.
Secure Michigan is one of 28 organizations in Michigan identified as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) because they are openly anti-Muslim, neo-nazis, white nationalists or KKK affiliates. Some groups on the list are black separatists.
On their website, Secure Michigan criticizes the SPLC, claiming that it is a liberal organization that unfairly labels conservatives in harsh terms.
The website includes a June photo of a Sterling Heights council candidate, Jazmine Early (pictured above), participating in an anti-Muslim protest in Southfield that was promoted by Secure Michigan.
“The sad fact is that one of my opponents, Jazmine Early, already stands with Secure Michigan,” Radtke, a Democrat, wrote in his email. “She’s featured on their website prominently attacking Muslims. And she was one of the people that personally discriminated against a group of Muslims wishing to build a mosque in our city.”
That opposition to the new mosque by a very vocal group of residents preceded a decision by officials to block the project, which led to a lawsuit and a $350,000 settlement paid by the city.
Critics first labeled Early as a bigot when she loudly opposed an anti-LGBT discrimination ordinance in 2014. She also aligned with anti-immigrant activists in the city, including Jackie Ryan, who now serves as a deputy (registrar of deeds) to controversial county Clerk Karen Spranger.
In the last council election in November 2015, Early and Ryan were part of an ultraconservative slate of candidates that lost by landslide proportions.
Photo: Facebook
First I am not affiliated with any group but I have discriminated against Arabs since I was a young teenager, they’ve used many tactics to intimidate me including holding a gun to my face. I used to work for a bank and have seen how they deposit only cash of $100 dollar bills in their savings and can’t speak or write English.
I know for a fact that they live in $400,000 homes and get SSI for every person in the household except for the father who’s off working ( of course under the table so the checks can keep rolling in). I will not disclose my job because I do not want to get fired. Seriously it’s out of control no more welchers on welfare
I don’t see a problem with the sign being held by the woman above. If opposing the items listed on her sign is a problem I must say I don’t quite understand. Is that to say that the author and her political opponent who is quoted believes in Female Genital Mutilation, Honor Killings and child brides? In my opinion this appears to a poorly implemented political hit piece.
Best of luck Sterling Heights, but I’m afraid it may already be too late.. If you could not elect real conservatives in 2015, I am afraid that traitors such as this Radtke character will prevail, leading to mosques, sharia law and speeding Mercedeses in what used to be formerly quiet neighborhoods. And then you will have no one else to blame, but yourselves.
Look at the all the fear mongering comments … does anyone know anything about Sharia Law? Do people not get how current American laws work — you don’t have Sharia Law permitted now, you have Penal codes and US/Michigan etc, laws. There is no such thing as “banning Sharia law” — it’s like having to protest asking lawmakers to “ban unicorns”. you can’t ban something that doesn’t exist.
Laws in America can be easily changed no even broken. Do you honestly think liberals in charge would do anything to stop Islamic oppression of Shariah law? Who cares about the law if the people in charge don’t want to enforce it.
All across Europe, shariah law exists in no-go Muslim zones. They literally have shariah law Islamic judges in many European cities. The liberal politicians either hide it or protect them. What happens in Europe is a precursor to what will happen to America. Shariah law is a threat and has been throughout history. Islam is a religion which promotes oppression of women and minorities. If you want to be pro-Muslim than move to Iran or Saudi Arabia and see how well you will be treated! Surprise, they will treat you like a second class citizen.
This whole article is just pro-Muslim liberal propaganda. The southern poverty law center is an actual liberal hate group. The fact that it is used as a source is ridiculous.